16-30 metres
Up to 30m
Sea Life:
Schools of resident snapper, juvenile barracuda and fusillier, jacks, rainbow runners, huge lionfish, lots of nudibranchs.
Superb wreck: fantastic soft coral growth, macro life plastered all over the wreck and fast action above it!
On the 4th of May 1997 King Cruiser, an 85 m catamaran car and passenger ferry, strayed off course and hit Anemone Reef ripping one of her twin hulls open. The King Cruiser sank within an hour, after all 600 passengers had been brought to safety. So it became a superb wreck dive within close proximity to Phuket - very good news for all diving enthusiasts. Rumour and speculation abound on the reasons for her straying off course: listen out for your Divemaster's take on it during the dive briefing!
The wreck has decks on different levels and depths, great open passages to swim along with many varied species of fish who have made the King Cruiser their home. There is fantastic coral growth with soft corals all over nearly every surface and the number of fish schooling around the wreck will astound you on every dive.
The wreck starts at 16 meters and the bottom is 30 meters, making the King Cruiser an ideal dive site for experienced divers.
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